If you know me (or even if you just follow me on Instagram), then you know that I LOVE Hocus Pocus. I remember about ten years ago, I was searching and searching for a copy on DVD and I couldn’t find one anywhere! My mom ended up finding it for me and sending it to me in the mail. (Ancient times before movie streaming and Amazon prime. 😂) Now, thankfully, we can all watch it with a subscription to Disney+! Hocus Pocus has always been my favorite Halloween movie, and we easily watch it 2–3 times every fall. But this year, I really wanted to go all out with a fully themed Hocus Pocus movie night. Here’s what I did to really bring it up a notch!

Pick up themed plates and napkins

Luckily, with the overwhelming resurgence of Hocus Pocus popularity in recent years, these are pretty easy to find! I found napkins that say “Hocus Pocus I need wine to focus” at my local Marshalls and paper plates that say “Hocus Pocus” at Big Lots. Anything “witchy” would also do the trick! I also found paper cups at my local Marshalls that said “Witches’ Brew” on them—super cute! This is a really easy way to level up your Hocus Pocus movie night. I didn’t have to go out of my way or spend a lot!

a lit candle, a bowl of candy corn, a jar of reese's pieces, twizzlers, and napkins that say hocus pocus for movie night
Add some extra snacks

I don’t know about you, but movie night is ALL about the snacks in our family! I like to up the Halloween vibes with candy corn and Reese’s Pieces. This time I also stuck some Twizzler’s in a mason jar to be “lucky rat tails”—remember how Sarah Sanderson finds her lucky rat tail in the movie?

I also searched HIGH and LOW for Clark Bars, but I don’t think they make them anymore. I love that line in the movie when Mary says, “It’s a chocolate-covered finger of a man named Clark,” and I wanted those Clark bars SO BAD. (Seriously I went to like five different grocery and drug stores in my town, and no one had them.) I thought about printing out some Clark bar labels and wrapping them around plain Hershey bars, but I unfortunately ran out of time. If you can find Clark bars, definitely include them in your array of snacks!

brownies decorated to look like spellbooks, chocolate dipped pretzels decorated to look like zombies, and chocolate donuts decorated to look like cats for hocus pocus movie night
Try your hand at a themed treat or two

I made a couple of themed treats for our movie night, and I was so happy with how well they turned out! I am not super crafty by nature, so these were a bit of a stretch for me. But if I can do it, anybody can! First up were my Hocus Pocus Spellbook Brownies. All you need for these is your favorite boxed brownie mix, black decorating gel or icing, and candy eyeballs. (I found the candy eyeballs at Hobby Lobby.)

And while you have the candy eyeballs, you might as well make Billy Butcherson Zombie Pretzels, too! I also decorated some mini chocolate donuts to look like Binx from the movie, using yellow Reese’s Pieces for eyes and chocolate chips for ears. I just stuck everything together with melted chocolate (which you’ll use for the zombie pretzels, too), and added brown Reese’s pieces to the centers.

These treats were so much fun to make, and they were a huge hit with my son and my niece. If you want to keep it really easy, I’d just pick one of these ideas! Even one themed treat will level up your Hocus Pocus movie night!

Enjoy your movie night! And if you get tired of Hocus Pocus, check out my Halloween Movie Marathon post for some more spooky movie night choices!

Don’t forget to pin this post for later!
living room with snack-covered coffee table and hocus pocus on the tv with text 3 easy ways to level up your hocus pocus movie night